Tuesday, May 12, 2020

zoom, Zoom, ZOOM

Monday, May 11, 2020

Day LXIII of my International Coronavirus Lockdown was highlighted by not one but two Zoom meetings in the morning and lots of reading about Michelangelo in the afternoon.

The lowlight of the day was my morning weigh-in. Since arriving back in Camarillo on April 15th, I have gained a whopping 5.7 kilos/12.8 pounds.

Laurie is a good cook.

I have got to get out of the house before I get too big for the doorway!

At last, with my ailing left foot having made great improvement, walking is again about to become an option.

No, it's a necessity.

8:30 a.m. Zoom Meeting with fellow
retired teachers and counselors
from Rio Mesa H.S.

Normally we meet for breakfast on the second Monday of each month at the Eggs and Things restaurant in Camarillo.

But that was in another era.

It was good to see everyone as always.

11:oo a.m. Zoom Meeting with our
Coaches Exchanging group

Our two speakers today were from Santa Barbara City College, Head Coach Craig Moropoulos and Running Backs Coach J.J. Willis. 

They combined to do a great job detailing their shared topic, "Down Gap Attitude in an Up-Tempo System."

I need to start dieting NOW!

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