Friday, May 15, 2020

And the Lockdown Beat Goes On . . . and On . . . and ON!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day LXVI of my International Coronavirus Lockdown started with the news that the Wisconsin State Supreme Court had struck down their Governor's Stay-at-Home orders.

From all reports, people poured into the streets as if they had been locked up for two months.

As for the football players in Wisconsin, please . . .

It's the law!

We had a Zoom Meeting with former
Oregon Head Coach Mark Helfrich
at 11:00 a.m.

I was only able to sit in on the first half hour of this talk as I had another Google Meet session to attend at 11:30 a.m.

It was a meeting with Varese Skorpions
Coaches to discus Coaching Conduct,
Player Motivation and Practice Organization

The devastating note was seeing our Defensive Coordinator attending the meeting from a bed in his tenth day with the Coronavirus.


On to the net . . .

100% TRUE!

A reason to live

On Wisconsin!

Reading Is FUNdamental!

A long but interesting read about
a truly amazing, tortured artist 

If you saw the 1965 movie of the same name starring Charlton Heston and Rex Harrison, it was based on only a small slice of this tome that covers all of Michelangelo's 89 years of life.

It is a good book to keep one occupied during Lockdown life to be sure. 

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