Monday, April 20, 2020

Isolation Mind Games

Sunday, April 19, 2020

It was Day IV in the California Isolation Ward and life was getting more surreal by the minute.

Yes, it's getting close to this

This concept of strict isolation for 14 days upon my return to America is making me antsy after 38 days in the Great Italian Lockdown.

Having Laurie in the house but not really near is definitely not a good thing as it turns out.

Also, not being able to leave our home for any reason during this two week period is getting into my head. At least in Italy, even though I did not do it often, I knew that I could walk to the local bakery to buy some bread or to the macelleria for some choice cuts of meat if I desired.

It also makes me anxious because I do want to go to our local supermarket to compare on a first hand basis what is actually going on as compared to Varese's Esselunga Supermarket.

Is toilet paper really our nation's new Gold Standard?

I am 100% behind the good doctor
on this one, no matter what . . .

. . . these idiots are saying in the streets

Granddaughter Mary sipping
her first ever Iron Beer

Iron Beer was the National Soft Drink of Cuba in the pre-Castro Revolution days. It is still made in Florida but is hard to find on the West Coast.

Sort of a combination root beer and Dr. Pepper, it is a truly unique flavor.

According to our son Mike, she liked it.

Good girl.

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