Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A GREAT Zoom Meeting and a Visit from Michael

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Normally, when I'm back in California, I only post about every fourth or fifth day but, then again, these are definitely not normal times.

So, I've decided to post daily, no matter how trivial the day may have been, so as to record life during these troubled times.

Day VI in the California Isolation Ward was actually a good one.

It all started with the 12th Zoom video meeting our Coaches Exchanging group in Austria, Italy, Mexico, Spain and Switzerland since we started these meetings on April 1st.

We eventually had 13 people
listening to . . .

. . . Cal Lutheran Kingsmen
Head Coach Ben McEnroe talk about. . .

. . .  Zone Blocking Schemes and
Scouting/Video Breakdowns

Today's session lasted a record two hours and was simply . . . 

Ben gave a detailed, professional presentation that left everyone impressed.

Knowing Ben, it did not surprise me.

As for the internet's best today . . .

That's what I'm afraid of . . .

. . . with all these people protesting our
current Coronavirus countermeasures

Still, I completely understand
this youngster

In the afternoon,
Michael rode his bike over
to our home for a visit

He stayed on the front porch while I sat in the living room with the window screen acting as a barrier.

Yes, I wore a face mask during his visit to be as safe as possible.

At 6:30 p.m., neighbor George
changed the Countdown Sign
on the light post across the street

I'm almost half way to limited freedom!

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