Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Clinic Speech Preparation Day

Monday, 6 April, 2020

Day XXIX of the Great Italian Lockdown and the 34th consecutive day without a Varese Skorpions American football practice was as tedious as usual.

Such a pity as it was a BEAUTIFUL day for American football!

In the evening, I was scheduled to talk for 90 minutes in one of these wildly popular on-line Zoom meetings with a bunch of fellow coaches from all over Europe and Mexico. Thus, most of my day was spent editing and re-editing my talk as I did not want to let my peers down.

We started holding these meetings last week and held three of these fun, interesting coaching soirées up to today.

The pace would quicken this week as we had someone giving us a clinic on each of the next five evenings.

Besides enjoying the sorely missed fellowship and the imparting of American football knowledge, these meetings are a great diversion from the Coronavirus-Bunker Life grind.

I did have some time to peruse the internet . . .

Mark Johnson showing off his new
Washington Huskies face mask

His wife Susie made it for him.

A cottage industry in the making?

 Your mind will be clearer IF
you follow these simple guidelines

 I have used five of these to
while away the weeks


"Day 21 . . ."
I see no problem with it

 Absolutely TRUE!

As for my clinic speech . . .

My two part topic was "What I've Learned About American Football Since 1958" and "Being Aggressive with the Kicking Game."

I had fun doing the clinic and had several questions about the various fakes that we use out of our Punt and Field Goal formations.

Today was a full day indoors to be sure.

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