WR/DB Andreas Nilsson
A piece of bad news preceeded our game last Sunday as Andreas informed us that he just found employment as an electrician in Kristiansand, Norway. Unfortunately this meant that his 2010 season with the 'Canes would be over after the Ystad game.
Andreas has been a quiet leader for the team, always at practice, always giving an honest day's work to the team. We'll miss him.
I promised to see if I could find him a team in Norway to continue playing with if they were near his new hometown. It turns out that that Kristiansand has a team, the Gladiators.
The team that they are playing in the pink jerseys is the AFC Show from Stavanger, Norway.
According to their website, AFC Show is giving 1/3 of their season ticket money to cancer research. I'm hoping that is the reason for opting for pink as a team color.
The Gladiators won this season opening contest 29-24.
Blog readership was down 2% this past month but we still had 6,572 visitors from 95 different countries.
The more exotic visitors this month were from Armenia, Azerbajian, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Iceland, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Macedonia, San Marino, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
Finally, we had visitors from two combo named nations, Bosnia and Herzegoina as well as Trinidad and Tobago.
This morning I rode the bus out to Finja to have coffee and a sweet treat with my good friend . . .

Henning Hammarqvist
We had a great time talking about 'Canes football, world politics, the proper use of eating utensils and NorreSkåne sportswriter Tomas Gustavsson's new baby.

Rural Finja

Lots of forests means lots of logs
The end of the day saw us enjoying a very good practice. Our receiving corps made good strides tonight and the offensive line had a very competitive night with our defense as well.
I didnt know Palermo AIDS had a football team in Norway
The Palermo Mafia works in mysterious ways.
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