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Havana Club Rum
"El Ron de Cuba"

How else to explain this picture!

Canes' LB Filip Sundgren
Filip will be enrolling at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas this Fall. He is planning to continue his football career on the Ravens' Division III team.
Today, NorreSkåne ran a full page article on his exciting upcoming adventure which you can access at:
Up EARLY to catch the 6:16 a.m. train to Copenhagen but it was worth it, Mike and Vanessa were there having arrived in Denmark the day before!
After touring Copenhagen in the morning, we decided to check them out of their hotel to catch the 11:03 a.m. train to Hässleholm. After 16 days of traveling to London, Berlin, Prague and Copenhagen, they were more than ready to enjoy a little slower paced life style.

Mike and I entered the "Dark Underworld"
of World Cup card collecting
of World Cup card collecting

I just had to buy the kids an appropriate bed spread.
Vanessa LOVED it!
Who is that next to the goalie?

The Red Wings want YOU!
The Red Wings were Hässleholm's first American football team having played from 1986-1995. When Mike saw this helmet, he had thoughts of suiting up for practice tonight.
Cooler heads prevailed.

Mike holding for Pär Danielsson
It was a well attended but rocky practice tonight where I lost all semblance of composure a few times and raised my voice more than a few times. We need more offensive focus and drive to compete against our strong defense.
Pride is a good word.
Meatballs are mixed in amongst the veggies.
A relaxing dinner, good conversation and daylight until 10:45 p.m.
What a great day, it is so nice to see family again in person after being in Sweden for 93 days.
George , Congrats for Scaring your opponent to Death! Well, more time to spend with Mike and Vennessa. Was Scott a free agent, or get traded!? Important email comin, PaulPetrich
Scott was a Free Agent.
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