My good friend Henning Hammarqvist's father, Johan, is a member of the Rotary Club here in Hässleholm which meets for lunch in a building about 100 yards from Icelandia. Johan invited to speak for 30 minutes to the club today on my experiences in Sweden, the status of the Hurricanes and the nature of the mysterious ways American football.
Especially since my father-in-law, Bill, is a 50+ year member of the Crescenta-Cañada Rotary Club, I gladly accepted Johan's offer.

Mike and Vanessa were of great help
They got my business card and a game program at each place setting as well as getting a display of 'Canes paraphernalia set up.
Hässleholm Kommun's Kommunalråd
I got a chance to meet Urban at the luncheon. If I understand it correctly, he is second in power in this area only to the God Father, Jonas Grip.
In Da Vinci Code fashion, I am holding up one finger to, make no mistake, show that I am JGFG's corner should a power struggle erupt at any time soon.
It seemed to go well and we actually got three sponsorship offers from the people assembled! A huge part of this credit goes to Johan's ability to persuade people.
We collected business cards from the Rotarians to be able to follow up with our contacts and raffle off five 'Canes collared shirts and a sweatshirt.
The winner of our last shirt was excited to say the least.
After a fine lunch, a good session interacting with the Rotarians and a quick clothes change, we were off to rent a car for the day and tour Skåne.
We stopped by the library to get Vanessa another book to read during the game Saturday, it takes her mind off of the violence.

A Field of Raps
Raps, according to Google, translates into the word rape.
I don't think that is correct.

A Bottle of Raps Oil
Raps is used in Sweden to make a cooking oil akin to olive oil.
We opted for a drive along the East coast and headed to Kivik at Johan Hammarqvist's suggestion.
Kivik's harbor area proved to be potentially treacherous, especially since I have only driven for about two hours total since arriving in Hässleholm three months ago.
This barrier ought to keep the crowds at a safe distance from Kivik's L.R. Station.
What's an "L.R. Station" anyway?
These were normal sized, but we did see some enormous cows on our drive that could take part in a Swedish Wrestlemania.
Another peaceful fishing village that is now famous in Contreras family lore for its Swedish "glass", i.e., ice cream.
I did not get any Las Vegas feel whatsoever.
A very outgoing Italian waiter and GREAT pasta dishes made for an excellent dining experience at this nice little Italian ristorante.
The sun was finally setting, at 10:00 p.m., on a wonderful day of sightseeing and fun.
Saturday we play our fifth game of the season vs. the 0-4 Oskarshamn Dockers at home.
It should be a beautiful day to play American football!
Beat the pants off those guys, OK?
In my "gigant book of english words" the Plant Oilseed Rape, a european plant with yellow flowers, grown as animal food and for its oil. Another word for the plant is Canola, which I personally would use. Good luck today Coach!
I know this word, Thanks Vidar, good luck to the Griffins as well.
Rapeseed plant is related to cabbage and mustard. Much of it is grown in Canada, China and India, and yes the seeds are used to make Canola oil.
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