The Mid Sommar Holiday is held in honor of the Summer solstice and falls on the Friday after June 21st, the date of Summer's real longest day. It is a time of great joy as we celebrate that round yellow thing that occasionally is in the sky here in Skåne.
There are activities for the kids and copious amounts of alcohol for the adults, just ask Laurie.

Laurie at our nearby Heritage Park
Uffe called to let us know that just five minutes from Icelandia, Hässleholm would be raising a Mid Sommar Pole at about 1:00 p.m. with the decorating of the pole starting at noon.
We ran into Christian and his two daughters, Jasmine and Matilda, who had a great time with all the activities.
Matilda was in Seventh Heaven at this point.
Ala Forrest Gump, this little girl and her Dad played with this feather for about five minutes, A GREAT BONDING MOMENT!!!
It was now time to leave the park and head to Vinslöv to join in on Castle Palmbrink's version of Mid Sommar.
It was soon after this picture was taken that we sat down to eat incredible amounts of delicious Swedish food.
If there was to be a human sacrifice today it would come by means of human explosion due to overeating!
During dinner, we were given sheets of paper to the words of traditional Swedish drinking songs written years ago by one Carl Michael Bellman.
This was the beginning of the end for Laurie.
The dancing just got better and better.
As Laurie finished off this bottle of liquid death, we all knew she was done for the night.
Sweet dreams my beloved.
Lucas kicking my ass again in
Dueling Karoake
We ended the night doing these singing duels for about an hour. Finally at 1:00 a.m. a taxi arrived to take all of the guests back to Hässleholm.
Our first Swedish Mid Sommar was one to remember even if Laurie probably won't.
Tack så mycket everybody!!!
Walking in Memphis?
Awaiting Laurie's rebuttal.
No, it was 'What's Love Got To Do With It."
I have no excuse. They made me do it with the Carl Michael Bellman drinking songs during dinner!
I had a really nice nap before the singing started, too.
Also, I thought that George won the one-on-one with Lucas.
Laurie, if you thought George won the singing, you MUST have had too much to drink.
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