Our last day of Summer Camp 2010 was held on a windy, overcast Friday for two groups of surprisingly still eager 13-14 year olds.
Besides 2 1/2 hours of American football, all of the Summer Camp 2010 participants were also exposed to sessions of Badminton, Frisbee, Golf, Indoor Bandy, Karate, Orienteering, Show Dancing, Tennis and Volleyball. It was a long but productive week for everyone I believe.

Alexander Persson
Alexander just finished his third year of Chemistry! He listed Albert Einstein as his Number One all-time favorite scientist.
Unknown to most of his classmates is his passion for hitting, a natural born linebacker!
The Annexation of Puerto Rico???
It is always fun to teach the wonders of the carioca footwork for the first time to a group of kids.
a.k.a., "Mr. Incredible"
As in Incredible Hands, he caught every pass that was remotely close to him and was a great young man to work with during the tenth and final session of Summer Camp 2010 this afternoon.
Our final tally showed that during the week we introduced American football to a total of 178 kids ages 8-14. Of these 178 youngsters, 66 signed up to get more information about playing Hurricane football in our Junior and Pee Wee programs.
Again, I cannot thank Fredrik Sundgren and Oscar Lindqvist enough for all of their efforts in assisting me during this five day grind of a camp.
The future is bright
for Hurricane football!!!
But how many signed up for indoor bandy?
I am sitting here in Seattle with Swedish Caroline and we are trying to find your game on TV. We thought it was being televised right after the Denmark vs. Cameron World Cup game!
She has several comments for you. The first is that the traditional place to celebrate Midsommarafton is in Dalarna - northwest of Stockholm. She says it is awesome there for that festival.
Second, she says that you are not spelling "Thank you" in Swedish correctly. It should be: "Tack så mycket". It is å, not ä. She does not want you to violate American - Swedish relationships!
She also clarified that you should be looking for "kanelbullar", which is equivalent to our cinnamon roll. When you get to the north, she wants you to be sure to try "palt", which is a regional dish made up of ground and boiled potatoes, mixed with flour and filled with salt pork. She said that you can find a similar dish to palt if you travel to the island of Öland, which is off the eastern coast of Sweden. There, that dish is called 'kroppkakor" - which means "body cookies".
Hejdå! Ha det bra!
Mark, Susie, Sophie, Mallory and Swedish Caroline
p. s. Swedish Caroline says that you absolutely MUST TAKE Laurie to "Ale Stenar" southeast coast of Sweden. It is the Swedish version of Stonehenge. The whole coastline northeast of there is fantastic!
It just so happens that we had kanelbullar with our coffee at a local konditori yesterday morning, EXCELLENT!
As for Midsummer next Friday, we are spending it with friends here in Skåne before a one week vacation to Stockholm, Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Helsinki.
Tack så mycket for all the tips.
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