A Glad Påsk, Buona Pasqua and/or Happy Easter to all of you today.
Since today is the most important day in any Christian religion's calendar, I decided to attend the 11:00 a.m. Påskdagsmässa in Hässleholm's Church of Sweden.
They were not checking I.D.'s at the door so I thought that I, as a Catholic, could enjoy the service with a reasonable chance of not being burned at the stake as a Papist.
I hoped.
The Svenska Kyran choir in their full glory
It was all good and I was able to exit in one holier piece as I returned to Icelandia to be picked up by the Palmbrink's and their friend Bo Hermansson for an Easter Sunday ride in the country.

Hässleholm's Phone Company
has a great logo
Just saw it on the walk home, I wonder if it will fit in my carry-on bag?
Ludvig was my seat mate as we toured the Skåne region by Chrysler Minivan. We had a great time playing several forms of peek-a-boo.
One of the traditions in Sweden during the Easter weekend is artists, artisans and craftsmen to hold shows for people to see their work and hopefully buy a piece or two.
Our goal was to visit a few of these but heavy rains and blustery winds limited us to only two such stops.
Yes, it IS pronounced exactly like its spelled!
Rebecca was the host of this small one woman show being held in her small summer cabin straight ahead.
All of her displayed works featured a white egg with various designs, symbols and caricatures.
in the village of Degeberga
This is a community owned, former priest's home that is now used for occasions like this weekend's art show. As opposed to Rebecca, this location featured the works of about a dozen different artists including . . .
Gun Hermansson
That's Bo on the right who a veteran player for our rivals, the C4 Lions out of nearby Kristianstad.
Because Bo is such a really good guy, is Mira Palmbrink's Godfather and I liked his mother's paintings, we will overlook his C4 Lion status.
"Coffee and Cookies"
Princess Linna, Princess Mira and Uffe on the left digging in!
In Sweden cookies means any form of pastry, I'm definitely NOT against this translation!
Laurie loves cherries and I know it should be "Bowl of Cherries".
It's a Laurie thing and I don't get it either.
We drove to a small fish market and then it was on to Castle Palmbrink for a delicious salmon dinner.
I continue to say "Tack Så Mycket" to Uffe and Elin!
These fellows are big, dangerous and can cause severe damage to humans and automobiles!
Adults range in size from 70-250 kilos (150-500 lbs.). The smaller ones are good eating according to Uffe.
I wonder if they have ever been known to form tackle a human being?
A Special Holiday Treat
This particular soft drink is only available during Easter Time and I have a bottle!

It wouldn't be Easter without Peeps!
I hate them, Laurie loves them . . . go figure.
For my Swedish friends, Peeps are a seasonal sweet, cookie, that is popular with some Americans during Christmas and Easter.
I realize that the United Nations, for the sake of the ecology, has mercifully declared Skåne as an International Peeps Free Zone but Laurie placed these in my suitcase without my knowledge when I left Camarillo last month.
I did NOT know, HONEST!
I've known some wild bores in my time, but no one ever put up a sign warning me about them.
Different spelling but definitely needed!
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