Sunday, November 5, 2023

A Peaceful Passing

Saturday, November 4, 2023

After a ten month battle with her failing in a skilled nursing home in Pasadena, our 99 year old mother passed away peacefully in her sleep late this evening with my sister Linda at her bedside. 

Asuncion "Chuny" Contreras
1924 - 2023

Besides the positiveness of a peaceful passing, the last ten months gave our family lots of time to share our goodbyes with her and come to terms with all of the emotions that come with the loss of a mother to three, grandmother to three and great-grandmother to five.

Mom with my sister Linda

Mom with my sister Marilyn

Mom with me during one of our many
Dominoes battles at The Californian

They became the stuff of legends at her skilled nursing home to the point that she led, and soundly defeated, lots of fellow patients into playing the game.

Mom at home with her five
great-grandchildren in better days

She LOVED Kitten and Puppy
Thursdays at The Californian

We cannot thank the doctors, nurses and staff at The Californian enough for the love and support that they all gave our Mom in their care the last ten months.

She is no longer suffering and that has given all of us a modicum of relief.

Rest in Peace, Mom

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