Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Way Too Early Start of Another Camarillo Stingers Football Season

Mon.-Weds., June 3-5, 2024

It is only the beginning of June but we are already moving on to yet another sports season.

I needed to read this first

Jacob was ready for the first night . . .

. . . of his third season of Pop Warner football

Jacob will be playing at the Stingers Junior level that is made up of mainly of Seventh Graders plus a few oversized Sixth Graders and an undersized Eighth Grader or two.

On Monday, the Juniors met in a
local Camarillo park for their workout

The non-padded workouts will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for the next few weeks.

The coaches greeted 32 Juniors to this first organized practice and expect about 40 players to participate this coming season.

With this many athletes, the Stingers have already decided to eventually break the group into two teams thus making these first few weeks all about player evaluation before they make the split.

Jacob with his traditional headband
running a pass route

I thought that Jacob had a good practice devoted to the Wide Receiver position. On this cool Ventura County evening, he caught every pass thrown his way.

Hopefully, Jacob will take this to heart

Wednesday night and Jacob's Stingers
were back at it working on releases

Swatting that Coach/CB's arm away
Going DEEP!

Tracking the ball

Making the catch

At this practice, Jacob did not catch the ball as consistently as he did on Monday.

Going deep again with a CB hidden
behind him and a FS coming to help

He got a lot of instructions from
these two coaches before this snap

On the subsequent play,
he got a free release . . .

. . . and deftly broke to the post

The ball did not come to him on this play but on the always memorable final play of the practice it did.

It was another Post Route but from the left side this time.

The pass drew a crowd of about three defenders and Jacob. One of the DBs tipped the ball in the air but Jacob used his Power of Total Concentration to track the ball's now changed trajectory and make a diving catch to end the night.

His Receivers Coach went wild with praise and we both went home with big smiles on our faces.

It may be too early to be starting football practices but it is never too early to enjoy your grandchildren's accomplishments.

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