Friday, June 14, 2024

A "Wax" Museum and a Camarillo Stingers Practice

Tue.-Thurs., June 11-13, 2024
If you are a Grandparent, and we are, then these last three days were almost heaven.

It all started on Tuesday at Mary's elementary school as her class was participating in a fun Wax Museum exercise.

Each of the 20 or so students in her third grade class had selected a famous figure from history, the arts or sports and then researched them. 

The final project asked them to dress as their character and perform a short speech about them. Each student pretended to be a statue at rest, waiting for people to press an activation button near them to bring their character to life.

I present to you Mary as . . .

Harriet Tubman
19th Century Abolitionist
and Social Activist

Or as we called her, Mariette Hugman.

She gives great hugs.

Of course she had some visual aides
for her AWESOME presentation

Harriet Tubman was always
known for her wondrous smile

Repeating her talk yet again

Note the yellow activation button on the corner of her desk.

Third graders tend to be soft spoken, think indoor voices, during these public speaking moments which made hearing them a bit tough as all were being activated simultaneously.
We activated all of the kids in costume and were duly impressed, what a fun end of the school year activity.

About 20 years ago as a season ending gift from our Rio Mesa H.S. Shot Put and Discus throwers, I received a durable and since much used Coleman camping chair.

Today, Laurie and I headed to the Oxnard Collection's REI store to finally buy me a new chair and thus retire my beloved well used one.

It was time.

Nice paint job on the car parked
near the REI store

After such an emotional purchase, there was only one thing to do.

Eat lunch at The Collection's
Annex food court

While a chicken sandwich would have been a great choice, we opted for a more international choice.

Italian it was and it turned
out to be a good call

Tempting but we settled for Diet Cokes

Thursday night was the latest of Jacob's Camarillo Stingers practices.

Jacob running a route

Run to the next silver truck and turn around.

He did but the ball was
a tad under thrown

Jacob did a good job getting
down and making the catch

As nice as this catch was, it must be remembered that WRs must be able to block if the team is to win.

Jacob manhandling a CB

It bordered on child abuse/unnecessary roughness.

I had a couple of videos that I wanted to add of both Mary and Jacob in action this week but my blog app won't let me add them.

If we had known, we would booked
one of these cruises years ago

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