Saturday, March 14, 2020


Saturday, 14 March, 2020

Not much to report these days as I am strictly adhering the Prime Directive . . .


So, for the second straight day, I did not leave the friendly confines of The Bunker save to dump the house trash.

I'm doing OK under these trying circumstances and view staying in The Bunker as a much better option than possible death.

Our Italian brothers and sisters
are pulling together all over the nation

Here are just a few photographic examples of how seriously Italians are taking the Prime Directive.

The Piazza del Duomo, Milano

The Piazza Navona, Roma

The Trevi Fountain, Roma

All three are as deserted as they should be given the national Lock Down rules.

So here is a recap of where I'm confined.

The Bunker Complex
erected in 1410 A.D.

I live on the back side on the right of the complex.

Let's step inside The Bunker . . .

The couch where I've watched
countless hours of English language
Father Brown and
History/Science programming

I'm standing in the Dining Room as I take this photo, let me do a 180° pivot to show you the . . .

. . . Dining Room

It is at this table that I work and use my computer.

 This large green space can be
used by all of the people living
in our Bunker Complex

From this angle you can only see about half of the available space. The rest is hidden to the left of this photo.

So, what was my Big Deal of the Day, you ask?

The on-line
Sherlock Holmes Film Festival!

Watching Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce as Holmes and Watson was sublimely soothing during Day III of Italy's Defcon Level 37.

As fortune would have it, one of the five Holmes movies I watched today was on again on Italian TV in Italian only.

I was able to follow this Italian version quite well I thought.

Stay tuned . . .

1 comment:

David said...

Meanwhile, in the U.S., we're only in about Defcon 2-4 (depending on your location) but shopping like it's Defcon 45.