Friday, March 13, 2020

Day II of Defcon Level 37 in Italy

Friday, 13 March, 2020


The Prime Directive worked out just fine for me as we entered the latest tough round of Italian Coronavirus countermeasures . . .

. . . Defcon Level 37, Day II

In case your keeping score . . .

Although China has a commanding lead with 80,969 reported cases of the Coronavirus, Italy still has a firm grasp on second place with 12,462 known cases of our own.

Iran is hot on Italy's heels with 9,000 cases.

As for our Province of Varese . . .

The local paper reports that the cities of Caronno Pertusella and Busto Arsizio are atop the leader board locally.

These two cities are about 30 miles south of the city of Varese, much closer to Milano's Coronavirus epicenter.

With about 81,000 souls living in the city of Varese having only five reported cases so far into our outbreak is a good sign unless you are one of the five.

At least I hope that it's a good sign.

Now, as to America's early response . . . 

What is up with the panic buying
of all of the toilet paper known
to exist in the U.S.A.?

During my trip to the Esselunga Supermarket yesterday there were no shortages of anything, up to and including, the toilet paper.

The difference, I believe, comes down to Italy being a more civilized country than the U.S.A.

How is that possible, you ask?

The Bidet!

In Italian homes, bathrooms are equipped with bidets.

These handy gadgets can allay any and all of America's worst toilet paper deficiency nightmares.

Just saying . . .

I understand that this is the 
Uniform of the Day
when shopping in the U.S.A.

Of course, in Italy we also have a
Uniform of the Day
when we shop

Here though, weapons are not needed at the supermarket.

I've been reading up on the
Big Orange's response to the crisis

Too little, too late at this point, I believe.

But his Cult said, "AMEN!" . . .

It's hard to admit this as an
American citizen but . . .

I have MUCH more confidence in the Italian government and their Prime Minister's leadership and tough decision making abilities during our shared pandemic experience.

A sad state of affairs in American leadership indeed.

As for me, I spent the day in the Bunker leaving only to dump the trash.

My biggest issue was not having my usual . . .

. . . brioche for breakfast

cappuccino and a brioche will
be missing from my diet for some
time unfortunately

I fear suicidal thoughts creeping into my brain if this goes on for another day.

Italians still have a sense of humor
and a passion for life

This video from Torino is another good example of Italian coping skills:

So how am I coping . . .

Some light reading is always
a good option

In the evening I cooked
myself a genuine Italian meal

I started with the grilling of some spicy Italian sausage as well as yellow and red peppers.

Then I prepared a healthy amount of Garofalo rigatoni pasta.

I heated up some pasata rustica sauce to add to the sausage and peppers before adding a dash of my not so secret pasta sauce ingredient, honey.

I had to make it up to my sweet tooth for not having a brioche in the last two days.

To finish things off, I hand grated some heavenly parmigiano reggiano to top off the pasta and opened a bottle of locally vinted Barbera red wine to add to the flavors of the meal.

Buon Appetito!

Reading Is FUNdamental!

One of my favorite authors
but not one of his best efforts

What will tomorrow bring . . .

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