Saturday, March 7, 2020

Another Day in the Bunker

Friday, 6 March, 2020

Before starting on today's updates, I need to comment again on last night's wonderful meal at the Osteria del Centenate.

How good and bountiful was last night's gathering you ask?

Well, at this morning's daily weigh-in, it was noted that I had gained 1.5 kilos/3.3 lbs. over my Wednesday morning mark.


As usual, today was colored
by more news about our health issues

It was good to see that the fashion
industry is heavily involved in
providing aid to those in need during
this health crisis

As mentioned in yesterday's post,
Serie A calcio (soccer) will play
all of its 30 games over the next three
weekends without fans in the seats

The photo above from today's newspaper outlines just who the 480+ people are that about will be allowed in the stadium for these games including:

2 Appointed Federal attorneys
2 Representatives from the league office
2 Anti-doping doctors
4 Photographers
100 Game workers such as ball boys, etc.
100 Security workers
120 Players, staff and referees
150+ Journalists

AC Milan's Zlatan Ibrahimović
seems on board with all of this

Will the famed Giro d'Italia, only
two months away, be cancelled?

Who knows where we'll be with the Coronavirus countermeasures by then.

The 21 stage bicycle race is scheduled to start in Budapest this year. After three stages in the Hungarian countryside the race will move to Sicily and then work its way up the Italian boot. The final stage on Day 21 ends in Milano which is, of course, Italy's Coronavirus epicenter.

We'll see . . .

Today's Italian Coronavirus Totals
3,296 Reported Cases
148 Dead
414 Healed

The bulk of these Italian numbers (1,777/98/376) have occurred in the region of Lombardia where Varese and the Villa Skorpion II are located.

Will the Europe Warriors be allowed to
play this U19 game in Istanbul in June?

I feel more optimistic about our
Women's team's chances of playing
their game in December

But then again, who knows?

As for me, it was yet another stay in the bunker kind of day spent reading, working on Skorpion related issues and . . .

A Charlie Chan Film Festival
courtesy of my computer and YouTube

Not politically correct I know, but I still love this series about Honolulu's great detective and his ever so helpful kids and chauffeur, Birmingham Brown.

Although they are both good in the starring role, I give an extremely slight edge to Sidney Toler's portrayal of Charlie Chan over Warner Orland's.

Skorpion Updates

In the evening, Giorgio Nardi presented me with the newest version of the 2020 Skorpions schedule that FIDAF had just announced, here goes:

March 21 vs. Modena Vipers
March 28 BYE

April 4 at Monza Brianza Hammers
April 11 BYE
April 18 BYE
April 25 at Modena Vipers

May 2 vs. Savona Pirates
May 9 at Reggio Emilia Hogs
May 16 BYE
May 23 vs. Monza Brianza Hammers
May 31 at Savona Pirates

June 6 vs. Reggio Emilia Hogs
June13-14 DII Wildcard Playoff Games
June 20-21 DII Quarter-Final Playoff Games
June 27-28 DII Semi-Final Playoff Games

July 4 DII Championship Silver Bowl 

Expect further changes on the scheduling front in my humble opinion.

Giorgio also proposed a novel idea for the Skorpions to practice sooner than expected.

He had contacted the Lugano Rebels in Switzerland where there have been no Coronavirus protocols put into place in regards to sporting events and practices as of yet.

If you recall, we scrimmaged against the Rebels in Lugano a few weeks ago.

In principle, they agreed to let us come to their practice field where each club would use half the field to practice for about 90 minutes and then scrimmage against each other for about half an hour each night. These practices would be held from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

It sounds good but our logistics may be a problem.

Lugano is about an hour's drive north from Varese. Our Skorpion's 55 man roster includes 25 players under the age of 20.

I'm just not sure how many of these younger players have cars to use to at least car pool for the proposed two nights a week commute.

The Lugano plan is a good idea if we can get the players and coaches to buy into this potentially unique American football Coronavirus countermeasure.

We'll see . . .

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