Saturday, January 23, 2021

A HUGE Week for American Politics

Mon.-Fri., January 18-22, 2021

While most of the nation focused their attention on Washington D.C. again this week, our home was consumed by . . . 

. . . the return of young Jacob to our
pandemic lair for his on-line education

In addition to his normal schoolwork, we opted to introduce the game of Scrabble to him to get him to further increase his mental limits through a fun game.

After playing one, fun non-scoring game with him on Tuesday we proceeded to play games each of the next two days for real.

On Wednesday, he beat us both.

Flushed with success, on Thursday, Jacob said we should play again but this time for money.

Our pride injured and our competitive juices fully flowing, we basically thought to ourselves, "HELL YES, BRING IT ON KID!"
Thus we each put one U.S. dollar into the kitty and played a game for blood and honor.

When Mike came over to pick him up, Jacob had three dollars in his pocket.

Who is teaching who here?

Wednesday was a HUGE day for
America as Joe Biden was sworn in
as our 46th President

Kamala Harris became the nation's
49th and first woman Vice-President
in another historic moment
The U.S. Capital building had a
much different look than it did
two shameful weeks ago

Poet Amanda Gorman, only 22 years old,
was AMAZING on Inauguration Day

Now for the latest News from the Net . . .

The Reagan Administration repeal
of the F.C.C.'s "Fairness Doctrine"
was a seminal moment in dividing
our nation

The "Fairness Doctrine" basically said that if a media outlet posted a view/opinion on anything, they legally had to allow someone with opposing views to come on to that same platform and give viewers, listeners and readers their point of view as a counterbalance.

With this repeal, all of the extreme right and left wing folks could talk to their respective bases with little/no fear of direct opposition.

Now elections can be "stolen" and our capital can be stormed with insane numbers believing/approving of such things.

No pardons for you from
your beloved leader on his
way out the door

Our crazy times . . .


Thank goodness!

Reading Is FUNdamental!

An anthology of 14 different
Sherlock Holmes short stories

Some were good, some were only so-so but it was still a solid pandemic era read.

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