Friday, July 19, 2024

The Start of the Camarillo Stingers Pop Warner Practices and Our 53rd Wedding Anniversary

Mon.-Thurs., July 15-18, 2024

Lots to report this week which is a good thing!

It all started on Monday with a drive to Culver City to have a early dinner with that world-renowned bon vivant, Mark Johnson, who was in SoCal for, what else, business.

We met at our usual spot near
LAX as usual, sort of . . .

Since our last meeting, Dinah's Kitchen had been sold to a commercial real estate company who plans to develop property into a high rise condo complex with stores of some kind included in the new footprint.

Because of this offer that they could not refuse, Dinah's Kitchen has now moved farther north on Sepulveda Blvd. to its new and more spacious location in Culver City. The wait staff was as friendly as ever and the food was still delicious as always.

I enjoyed catching up with Mark over our 90 minute meal before he had to head to the airport to catch his flight back to Seattle.

As for me, I had to head back to Camarillo to catch the first night of . . .

Jacob's Camarillo Stingers
Pop Warner conditioning practice

Nice change of direction, Jacob

Did he just dislocate his
knee and ankle?


So begins Year Three of Jacob's American football career.

On Tuesday morning, I stopped by
Café Ficelle for nourishment

I opted for the Raspberry Croissant for a mere $6.50 USD, highway robbery by European standards I know.

Still it was delicious, easily the best croissant in Camarillo.

What price glory?

The reason for my stop at Café Ficelle was a two hour lecture that I was about to attend just three blocks down the street at the Studio Channel Islands Art Center.

It is indeed an Art Center but it was
not art that drew me here today

Although the local artists' creations
did give me pause to reflect

No, the real reason for my being here was to attend my first ever California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) community outreach lecture through their Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI).

Professor Bill Garlington, PhD
did a fantastic job!

His two hour presentation on the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, was well paced and highly informative.

It was also a chilling possible pre-cursor of political life in the USA in these troubled times.

We had about 60 really old people like me in attendance plus several more who were watching the proceedings via Zoom.

I think that I will attend more of these CSUCI OLLI lectures in the future.

On Wednesday, this fun couple celebrated
their 53rd Wedding Anniversary

How to celebrate, hmm . . .

We opted for lunch at an iconic Malibu
seaside restaurant to start the festivities

Neither of us had ever dined here before.

Laurie was happy with her fish tacos and I enjoyed good fish and chips.

After lunch, we drove up the Pacific Coast.

It was breezy when we got to Ventura

There is lots of street art in Ventura

Much of it highly colorful

Some of it functional

Lots of brickwork in Ventura too

Laurie was really excited about all of the funky shops that old town, downtown Ventura has to offer.

Yes, we helped the local economy once again.

One of our favorite bank buildings
in Ventura that is now a restaurant

Erle Stanley Gardner, the author of the Perry Mason mystery stories, used to work in this building while practicing law.

The Love Couple in Ventura

Did someone say, "Diet?"

Thursday marked the end of an era

Our ancestral home in San Marino officially closed escrow and is no longer ours. The passing of our Mother Chuny last November made this sale necessary.

We moved into our family home in the Spring of 1958 and now, 66 years later, it belongs to another family.

Lots of memories from that home that take us from our grandparents to our grandchildren. That would be five generations that had mostly fun and cherished shared experiences.

It reminded me of the saying that we own nothing, we just take care of things before passing them on to others to safeguard them.

Life goes on.

Maybe a trip to In-N-Out
will make me feel better

Reading Is FUNdamental!

Jacqueline Winspear again delivered a
socially thought provoking mystery yarn

It really has been a remarkable
53 years together, I must say!

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