Today marks the second of the three days of festivities in honor of the Patron Saint of Catania, Sant' Agata. The main event today is the parade of the various incredibly heavy candelaria that are carried all over the city by teams of guild workers. Each candelaria is sponsored by a particular group such as for example, the bakers guild.

Thousands of Large Votive Candles
These are being sold all over the parade route and are lit in honor of Sant' Agata.
The owner of this one set up a BBQ grill just a few feet away and did his variety of grilled meats ever smell good!
As much fun as the parade is, it is the people in the greater Elephant family that stole the day again for me. First, the Barbagallo family for having us all over to their home with this fantastic second story balcony view of all the happenings. Thank you Bruno, Katerina and Gregorio.
Secondly, what a GREAT food-fest was served due to the hard work of the Lady of the House! Another thank you to Katerina!!!
Finally, thanks to the Elephants, Pink Elephants and their friends who make every social gathering an event.
This is a really cool room that has been the scene of some great billiard matches when I've been to the Barbagallo's with Bruno usually taking home the honors.
As you can readily see, "Chicks Dig It!"
Candelaria Run, You Have GOT to Move!
Team Work Is Huge On This Day!
The Man Yelling Is Exhorting the Faithful to Swear Their Love for Sant' Agata!
Remember, the people in white will drag Sant' Agata's Cart all over Catania, NOT EASY!
It was a truly GREAT day in Catania this February 4th!
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