Sunday and Monday in Mexico after the wedding were days for family, friends and some reflections.

The beach at nearby Playa del Carmen with the Isle of Cozumel in the distance.
These two moved another step closer on Sunday to their goal of cornering the world's silver market.

The Contreras boys in front of the Cuban restaurant and bar,
"La Bodeguita del Medio", in Playa del Carmen.
The original one is in Old Habana and Ernest Hemingway said it was where he went to get his mojito.
He informed me that they now have a "Bodeguita del Medio" in Milan, Italy. I am going to have to take Laurie and Maria Clara, my cousin who lives there along with her husband and daughter, to eat there when we play in Milan at the end of the season.

Here the Contreras boys test out the latest High-Tech raft used to cross the Straights of Florida from Cuba to freedom.
It has been named the "Official Raft of Alpha 66", a VERY right wing anti-Castro Cuban immigrant group from Florida.
Koreen looking Aussie-ish.

I had breakfast at Bubba Gump's in the Cancun Airport at 6:00 a.m. and saw this quote from Forrest himself.
Love can take many forms but to me the most important are the love of a good woman, the love of parents for their children and the love for your friends. Now obviously these three forms of love are all different in passion, emotion and intensity but they are all still love nonetheless.
These few days in Mexico was a celebration of all three types for me. What I have with Laurie, the pride I feel for Andy and Mike, the feelings I have for Jenn and Vanessa and the wonderful friends that are Brian and Koreen are all relationships I cherish dearly!
Oh, and by the way, I love going to Mexico too.
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