Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Back to School, Back to Practice

Tuesday, 4 February, 2020

A good ten hours of sleep Monday night cured me of my Super Bowl induced semi-vegetative state.

Speaking of the Super Bowl, here is the article about the game in today's La Gazzetta della Sport . . .

Half of page 35 of today's all sports
newspaper was dedicated to the game

There were 40 pages to the paper today with the game article treating President Trump's latest foray into the wonderful world of geography and the halftime performances as important as the Super Bowl itself.

I once again joined Skorpion DB Coach Dario D'Adelfio today for another four hours of introducing the basics of American football to the students at Venegono Inferiore's Isiss Don Lorenzo Milani School of the Arts.

Artsy sun dial on the school's wall

It would be two classes today,
each lasting two hours

Throw the ball through a square
with a yellow, white or green flag
and win a kewpie doll! 

Young Italian's showing off
their cannon arms!

We need to tighten down
that spiral just a bit

Our first class speaking fluent Italian
complete with hand gestures

Our second class playing
close attention to Dario's
introductory comments

We have much work to do
to coordinate our jumping jacks

Kewpie doll passing
contest in full bloom

The second class of the day was
a good one just like the previous
four over the past two days

After our two classes at the Art School,
Dario and I finalized the schedule for a
total of 17 classes over the next three
months at the elementary school
in Vedano Olona

We worked with the good kids from this school at Skorpion Field last June.

In the evening, it was time for Skorpion practices at Skorpion Field.

The Women's Flag team was
throwing the ball around the lot . . .

. . . as was the U17 Flag team

As for the Prima Squadra, our
practice tonight was better than
the two last week

It was good to be back at Skorpion Field.

I have only temporarily, I hope, taken over the Offensive Coordinator duties, but help may be on the way.

Three more football classes on tomorrow morning at the Art School head up Wednesday's agenda.

Wish us luck . . .

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