We are now approaching the Ides of June and summer is definitely here.

Our First Arrivals are the Johnson's
Holly and Jim are Jason's parents who we all met last Saturday night at the Bologna game. They arrived in Catania at about 1:00 a.m. this morning after visiting Florence and Venice.
Here they are with Christie and Jason at our favorite Aci Trezza hangout, Mythos. They are seen here tasting their first granita and Sicilian cornettos. Jim really liked the Nutella filled cornetto, at least the part that didn't end up on his cheeks. The granita was sensational on a warm Ionian Seacoast morning.
After leaving the bliss of Mythos, we walked through Aci Trezza and stumbled upon a wedding at San Giovanni Batista Catholic Church. The bride was radiant as would be expected.
Note that I captured Liza Minnelli at the wedding on the far left. The wedding couple must be well connected.
Who is the little boy flashing his gang sign to? What is he trying to do with his right hand?
Why does the limo have California license plates?
Bill Alge and his wife Karen arrived in Catania last night. Bill will be the last of our regular season Mid-American Conference (MAC) referees working in the IFL as part of their great exchange program. Bill will be the fourth American referee to work one of our games.
From Findlay, Ohio, Bill lists being an attorney as his profession. We had the two of them out at Malibu today and then, while the Johnson clan went to the beach, I joined the Alges for lunch.
We drove into Aci Castello to Al Tubo's for a delicious pasta lunch on the terrace overlooking the Ionian Sea.
Big Al Tubo was there himself all decked out as is his want and checking out the ladies eating lunch at his great ristorante... he is the Casanova of Aci Castello!
After lunch we took the short drive into Aci Trezza to go to Mythos. I know, that would be twice in one day for me but what the hell, I HAVE to be a good host! Besides, Bill and Karen have never had granita, I rest my case.
Bill had the coffee and almond, Karen went with strawberry and I was strong in my conviction that the chocolate and almond granita at Mythos is the best I've tasted. If there IS better granita in Sicily, someone please lead me to it!!!
By the way, having a second cioccolato e mandorla granita in one day is NOT harmful to your health according to the Journal of the Italian Medical Association.
I found the Bill and Karen Alge to be good, fun people who were a delight to meet.
Bill has already coached up his Italian counterparts on the nuances of officiating American football. Again, let me say that this spirit of cooperation between the officials of the IFL and the MAC has really been beneficial. I've noticed a marked improvement in the work of the officials since the start of the season and I know that this exchange program is at the core of the strides that have been made!
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