Friday, March 7, 2025

Another Great Menú Lunch, Preparing for Saturday's Trip to Bilbao and a Practice

Friday, March 7, 2025

What a glorious day in Gijón!

A great day for sailing it appeared
as I looked out the apartment's window

After puttering around in the apartment during the morning, it was time for a stroll and some lunch. 

He was a successful Norwegian
lumberman who set up shop in
Gijón in the late 19th Century

The underground California Garage

An aptly named fish monger's shop

Making a sale

Casa Toni ALWAYS serves a great
Menú lunch special

Today's lunch was 100% up to their high standards.

Hmmm . . .

Varadero is the name of the high end beach resort near La Habana, Cuba that we used to visit as a family back in the 1950s.

I'll have to check this place out soon to see if they serve Cuban food.

It was a big day for viewing fish

I'd love to go see this play but it takes
place the night Laurie arrives in Gijón
and she will certainly be jet lagged

Her not being fluent in Español would be problematic as well.

Colorful new Gijón architecture
photo for a change of pace

After a quick stop at the bus station to buy my roundtrip tickets to Bilbao on Saturday for my adventure this weekend, I spent the late afternoon packing for what should be a fun filled, three day odyssey.

At 9:00 p.m., a total of 17 Mariners attended a 75 minute workout that stressed, what else, individual techniques.

After Tackling Drills, we worked
on Man Press Techniques

Coach Iván Canto demonstrating
the needed footwork to the DBs

Defender in the brown St. Francis jersey
in need of attacking this out route


Our DB may have interfered with the WR just before the ball arrived.

Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures. 

A good workout indeed but only having two Offensive Linemen was a downer to be sure.

On to Bilbao . . .

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