Sunday, May 5, 2013

Is France's Savoie Countryside Truly Magical on a Sunday Afternoon?

Before answering the topic question of this blogpost, we need to take a quick look at Saturday's doings.

Cadet Practice at 10:00 a.m.
at our Pristine Practice Facility

We had a better turnout on Saturday for the Cadets than we did for the Juniors on Friday night. They did well in fundamental drills. Thank goodness the two players in the blue uniforms should up to help us out!

Senior LBs were at work too

Two of our Senior team leaders, Sam Ajavon and Matthieu Fayard, should up at the Cadet practice to get in a little extra work due to a comment at our last game from our"Team Sommelier," Shannon Tesseyre.

Shannon noticed a plethora of thumb injuries on the Falcon roster before our last game and mentioned to Matt that we must improve our striking techniques.

So, on Saturday, these two were attempting to make Shannon proud.

The rest of Saturday was dedicated to watching the end of Season Two of Grey's Anatomy.

I know, I'm growing ovaries.

So, is France's Savoie countryside truly magical on a Sunday Afternoon?

 Let's Find Out!

We once again joined Jean-Charles, Marianne and Lucie Damboise for another drive into France's Savoie countryside to the village of St-Jean D'Avelanne.

The Occasion was an Open Farm at a
local farm owned by friends of the Dambois'

 The Gaec de Beauchiffray Farm
in St-Jean D'Avelanne

Open Farm's are held throughout the Savoie region at this time of the year so that the local farmers can display their products to passersby.

Besides tasting their food and wine, we got to see their farm animals and, later in the day, were invited to the farm family's BBQ.


 Grilled Sausages in a Baguette


A Noble French Face

 Lillies of the Valley

The French flower in the month of May.

We just HAD to sample the Kir


 More Sausages Grilling

 Red Wine Soaked Beef Sausage


 Non-Stop Munchies were
the Order-of-the-Day

Slicing Ham for the BBQ

Porcine Greatness

 The Girls
Lucie, Marianne, Elodie and Laurie

Elodie's family owns the farm we visited today. She also designs scarves for the small company that employs Lucie.

Fun people to say the very least.

Now, it was time to visit the livestock.


Hot Chicks

 The Aroma of Hay was SPLENDID!

 Charolais Cattle at Rest

 A Noble Bull Face

 "Who called me a filthy pig?"

Great Profile

Those Eyes

A Noble Pig Face

Sleeping Piglets by the Food Trough 

Maurice . . . a typical Frenchman!

Flirtatious Maurice is the Father of Agnes who is the bag designer for Lucie's company. (I was telling George I am leaving him for Maurice! ~ Laurie)

I needed a drink after that

 Maybe more than one

 Good Wine Tasting

We wound up taking home six bottles of their delicious wines.

Just some of the farm's Award Badges

Old Harnesses

 Damn, is Maurice at it again?

 Lucie and her new friend

 A garçon having some fun

Every farm needs a few 
good crescent wrenches

The BBQ Feast . . .

Maurice cut up a lot of meat today

A Poppa and his garçon

So many Americans believe that the French are, shall we say, difficult to be around.

As it turns out, Laurie and I have found the French to be VERY GOOD people! We were warmly greeted and made to feel like part of the family again today.

French Wine is GREAT it turns out!

The Good Bread Farm

After an amazing BBQ experience, we drove about five minutes to this farm that specializes in turning grain into delicious bread/pasta products.

The folks at the first farm had served desert breads from this farm. It was time to expand our horizons. 

A Retired Plough

 Good Looking Pasta


 The Farm's Bread Oven

We purchased a loaf of the
Gros Pain


They looked wonderful but we did not buy any.

A Happy Couple no matter
how hard Maurice tried!

We can not thank the Damboise family enough for this memorable afternoon.

Yes, the French Savoie countryside is indeed magical!

Hey, where is Brian?

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