Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Fathers Day, a Mid-Morning Stroll in Old Town Varese and a Frustrating Night of American Football

Tuesday, 19 March, 2019

After a late, late Monday night due to the Bob Malone concert, today was mostly a recuperation day.

I did head into Varese's historic core to exchange a book and a DVD for new ones at the public library.

Near the Villa Skorpions II is
this former florist shop which
is now an unused storefront

The interplay of the castle-like shadow, exposed bricks and rocks and the ancient door just caught my eye on the way to the bus stop.

It was a good day to be in
the gardens behind the library

After my library visit,
I deserved my daily cappuccino
and pastry for breakfast

This was at the Globe Café near the library.

Do they still make these wooden rods to hold and better preserve the daily newspapers in public spots like this one?

Just a gnarly tree near my
normal downtown bus stop

I had about 15 minutes until the next bus came by, so I strolled a bit.

This is one of my favorite coffee bars
in Varese

I forgot, March 19th is the Feast Day
of St. Joseph thus making today
Father's Day in Italy

Ghezzi had lots of ways to
show Dad some love

I never tire of this view . . .

. . . or of this view of the
Bell Tower

I had never noticed this winged lion
on the Deutsche Bank building

This is a great statue in the
historic core dedicated to the
fallen from the area who fought
with Garibaldi in 1859

The 160th anniversary of their
passing in a battle on the
26th of May, 1859 is just around
the corner

A different pasticceria's
Father's Day offerings

Art on a random side street

It's for sale

In front of the courts building

A possible logo for our upcoming
football camp featuring the NFL's
Chicago Bears coaching staff

What do you think?

At 6:30 p.m., we had a practice for our Women's flag team only. After a long Sunday tournament, the U13, U15 and U17 flag teams all opted on not practicing today.

What all of the cool kids
are wearing to practice nowadays

One of Coach Dario A'Delfio's
footwork drills

QB Sofia and C Tex warming up

Surrounding the ball
on a Hitch route

Goal Line scrimmage play

Defense Ready

The Women were a delight tonight but then came the Senior Team's workout.

For the third straight practice our numbers overall were good with about 35 players suited out but once again our team's progress is being held captive by our Offensive Linemen either being injured, working or just not showing up at practice.

We only had three Offensive Linemen suited out tonight making any meaningful team work next to impossible again. Add to that, the first time this year that we lacked focus in team work, especially during team defense, and you have one disappointed Head Coach.

I am starting to get extremely frustrated with these practices.

Yes, we are growing in terms of our individual skills overall but all phases of team work periods are problematic with key people at key positions being absent.

I'm extremely worried about our game this Saturday against the Palermo Sharks (1-1).

As the old saying says, Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail.

I feel especially bad for the main core of our players who do come to practice every Tuesday and Thursday and are paying their fair share of the price for a victory. We just need more of our current seven roster Offensive Linemen at practice, simple as that.

Hopefully a good Wanderlust Wednesday and a solid turnout at Thursday night's final Palermo week practice will bolster my spirits.

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