On the eve of the Swiss Civil War in 1844 which had very strong religious overtones, the editor of the Basler Zeitung, Jacob Burckhardt, raged that "Jesuits are a curse on all those lands and persons who fall into their hands."
On a much nicer note . . .

Spring wildflowers are everywhere!
Today marked my 50th day in Europe since leaving Camarillo last February.
I spent most of the day continuing to refine our game plan for Sunday's contest against Basel.
I the late afternoon, I finally ventured out to do a little shopping of both the planned and impulse varieties.
I've been in here several times but today as I lurked about this shop I realized that my grandsons still . . .
While in the souvenir store I also finally came to grips with something that has been in my mind for the past couple of weeks. The idea is a simple one, some day when I grow up, I would like to live in Switzerland.
I took my first step towards my dream Swiss citzenship (dual citizenship with the USA to be sure, actually I would then have triple citzenship as I am already a Cuban citizen under their law) today in this very same souvenir shop when I . . .
This is the highly coveted Victorinox Huntsman 1.3713 Swiss Army Knife! It has nine, count them, nine functions including the tweezers and white toothpick.
My name was engraved on the knife at no extra charge. I had several font choices to pick from but naturally opted for Helvetica.
I'm on my way!
I hope I don't pack my Swiss Army Knife in my carry-on luggage in July.
After this major decision making, it was time for . . .
These water fountains all over Europe are oh so good to drink from when the weather starts to heat up.
People in Thun are starting to get their game faces on, I think.
It was my first time at this one which is located very near the other major shopping center, the Panorama.
It was time for a bit of grocery shopping at the huge Migros store in the basement of the Zentrum Oberland.
I was strong today.
Actually, I've become a chocolate snob preferring to buy my chocolate fixes at fine choclatier stores throughout the Berner Oberland over these mundane supermarket options.
Our last practice for the Basel game is tomorrow night, let's have a great one Tigers!
Shouldn't you have gotten this Swiss Army Knife?
Faulty intel on my part.
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