The right to vote in cantonal and municipal elections is obtained at the age of 16. You must be 18 to vote in national elections.
At 14, you can obtain a driver's license to ride a motorcycle under 50 cc with a maximum speed of 30 km/hour. At 16, you can drive a motorcycle under 125 cc with a maximum speed of 45 km/hour. Once 18, you can drive a car and/or any sized motorcycle.
The drinking age for beer, wine and cider is 16. Hard liquors may be legally consumed at 18. For an American coach, these laws can make a U-19 team dinner a bit different from back home. Still, I have not seen kids abusing alcohol.

The Flag of Thun
On Monday, I received a note in my mailbox from FedEx saying that they tried to deliver a package at about 11:00 a.m. but no one answered the doorbell. Strange since I had been home all morning. The note said to call the FedEx office in Bern to learn how to proceed.
So I called them.
I was instructed to sign the back of the form autorizing the FedEx man to leave the package in my mailbox if I was not home. After signing it, I was to tape the FedEx notice to my mailbox.
No package arrived on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday as the FedEx note still just hung there. So, I called the Bern office this morning.
I was told that the FedEx man had left it in my mailbox on Tuesday and that they would send him out again this afternoon to resolve the problem.
As it turned out, he had delivered my package to a mailbox in front of our house that I did not even know existed while my mailbox, with my name on it, is on the side of the house.
Once we met, the problem was resolved easily.
That was the highlight of my day.
This chain was recommended to me by QB Luke Zetazate who played in Switzerland a few seasons ago and is currently playing in Poland.
As he said, this store was relatively inexpensive and my Swiss Francs went a tad farther today!
In the evening, we held Senior and U-19 team practices in the same gym. Having over 50 players in attendance was a good thing. The fact that several key offensive players were missing was a bad thing.
Still, each Senior player gave a great effort tonight, what more can you ask for?
that said, we better . . .
Our first Senior game is a week from Sunday at home vs. the Basel Meanmachine . . .
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