We decided to give the granita at Mythos one more chance Thursday morning before flying to Paris for four days.

We have seen this lady running regularly in Aci Castello, Aci Trezza and downtown Catania since arriving in January. She is always well dressed for a runner and moving at a fast clip. Since she would give us a high five when she'd cruise by us, Jason gave her the nickname, "Dame' Cinque", i.e., "Give Me Five"!
She told me once that she runs 20 kilometers a day, seven days a week! DAMN!!!
How to describe our first day in "The City of Light"?
How about BAM!, AMAZING!, Like Aci Castelo on STEROIDS! or EXPONENTIALLY more expensive than Catania!
The French Senate Building
Notre Dame's South Tower
This place is so popular that they have three locations on the same street about two blocks from each other.
The Orange Sanguine sorbet I had was INTENSE! Now back home in Catania, a good gelato in a cone costs about 1.80 Euros and is the size of my fist. In Paris this delicious sorbet was also served in a cone but costs 2.50 Euros and is the size of a ping-pong ball!
Why is the Pont Neuf so familiar sounding?

I'm not sure what the name this building is near the Pont Neuf, but it looks great at night when you are strolling by!

The latest creation in Parisian Fashion by the House of Fendi.
Paris is everything we expected and more! The temperatures and humidity have both been down so walking is very pleasurable. It feels like springtime not the middle of July. We are both having a delightful time!!!
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