While walking around London I've been barraged by souvenir shops selling all sorts of English Premier League football (soccer/calcio) club's gear, uniforms are called kits here.
The four most popular clubs as near as I can tell are Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool. Now I know very little about English Premier League football other than what Jason has taught me about Man U and Chelsea who we watched on TV in Catania play in Moscow several weeks ago in the Champions League championship game.
What I do know is this, I like the name Arsenal. I like their red, white, blue and old gold colors. I LOVE that they have a cannon for their mascot!
I'm thinking of picking them as my team of choice for the 2009 season based solely on the above likes and love expressed in the previous sentence.
Am I mad to opt for Arsenal? Am I doing the right thing picking Arsenal. Football fans, especially David Lassen and Jason Johnson, guide me a little on this life changing decision...PLEASE!
If you're thinking about rooting for Arsenal, you MUST read "Fever Pitch" by Nick Hornby. It's essentially a memoir of his life as an Arsenal fan -- which was pretty difficult (not unlike rooting for the Cubs) until fairly recently.
Seems like a good choice to me. How can you not like a team called "The Gunners?" Although I don't love the "Fly Emerates" logo on their uniforms.
By the way, GREAT pub signs.
"The Gunners"?... great, I'm sold!
I'll try to find the book today.
Do we have a song?
Are we hooligans?
I'm all about "Fly Emerates"
I love a good day game at Wrigley Field!
I've got to buy a scarf today too.
Hey, it's "Fly Emirates".
Just read in thelondonpaper (all one word) that that bastard, Charles Villeneuve who runs Paris Saint Germain, is trying to sign our skipper William Gallas!
This will just NOT do for us long suffering Arsenal fans!!!
By the way, they have the name Arsenal because their original stadium (not the shiny new Emirates Stadium) was near a munitions plant.
Emerates, Emirates. Seven months of commenting, I'm allowed one spelling error.
I'm sure there's a song, but I don't know what it is. And hooligans have pretty much been priced out of the EPL, but once upon a time, yes, Gunners fans could be a pretty rugged bunch.
You should be able to find the book pretty easily. Heck, it's in all the bookstores HERE, and it's about British soccer.
So did you have a drink at The George?
Near a munitions plant, this is getting better all the time!
Found "Fever Pitch" at a book at Trafalgar Square today, bought it of course!
The George serves it's pints on the warm side.
Arsenal...Fulling supporting the America's 2nd Amendment rights!
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