Sunday, 29 April, 2018
It was a BEAUTIFUL Sunday for American football but our Skorpions were not playing or practicing.
What to do?
Domat/Ems, Switzerland here we come!
Why Domat/Ems, Switzerland you ask?
That's easy, one of our Varese Skorpions Defensive Line Coaches, the one and only Luca Pinto, plays Offensive Guard for the Lugano Rebels, a club in the Swiss Third Division.
Luca played for the Skorpions last season but the Italian American Football Federation has a player forced retirement age of 47.
Thus banned from playing in Italy after the 2017 campaign but still with the love and passion to play our great game of American football, Luca simply joined the Rebels across the nearby border to play in Switzerland which has no age cap for players.
For Luca and the Rebels, today was . . .
We came to believe when we lived and worked in Thun, coaching the Tigers back in 2012 that Switzerland is the most naturally beautiful country that we've ever seen.
Today's two hour drive to the Lumberjacks-Rebels game through the Alps did nothing to change our minds.
Alpine Homesteads
Rugged Mountains
Alpine Meadows
It was as if the hills were alive with music.
REALLY rugged mountains
A hilltop fortification . . .
. . . or two was a MUST!
As were numerous waterfalls
both big and small
Finally, we arrived at the Lumberjacks stadium near their home city of Chur.
The highly guarded Security Entrance
to Lumberjack Stadium
"No guns, knives or Afro combs. EVERYONE WILL BE SEARCHED!"
Lumberjack Pride
The crest of the Swiss
Canton of Graubünden
Refreshing with a bratwurst
sandwich on a warm Swiss Sunday
Majestic setting for the game
All we were missing was a head of cows grazing behind an end zone like in Thun back in the day.
Loved the Lumberjacks
state-of-the-art scoreboard
Skorpions Field definitely needs to look into a mass fundraising project to purchase one of these.
On to the game . . .
Lumberjacks in blue and orange,
Rebels in white
The game really is just a series of one on one matches.
The Rebels matriculated the ball down the field on their opening drive, scored a TD and converted on a two-point pass play to take the early 8-0 lead.
That led to this next series of pictures on the ensuing Lumberjacks Kickoff Return.
The next ten photos are in order and took place at about the Lumberjacks' two yard line in a space about five yards wide and one yard deep.
Go to your left but spin out to
reverse your field . . .
. . . accelerate . . .
. . . uh-oh, pursuit . . .
. . . no problem, just reverse your
field again . . .
. . . and accelerate again . . .
. . . oh CRAP,
they are still pursuing me . . .
. . . no problem, just
reverse my field a THIRD time . . .
. . . I can't believe that
they are still after me . . .
. . . He HIT me! Is that legal? . . .
. . . maybe if I hold the ball with
one hand even higher I
can reverse my field again . . .
Nope, #37 punched the ball out of my soon to be completely vertically outstretched arm but fortunately it went out of bounds laterally at our own two yard line.
Lumberjacks Dive Play . . .
. . . maybe if the QB Bush-Pushes
the RB they'll gain more yards . . .
. . . What if the other RB Bush-Pushes
the QB while the QB Bush-Pushes
the ball carrier?
Certainly the Lumberjacks will gain real estate using this technique.
Or they could just throw the ball
Or perhaps punt it too
How did the NFL miss drafting
Lumberjack Lineman this week?
GREAT Rebels pursuit
And now for the Luca Pinto Show!
#64 in white is our man
Abusing one
Lumberjacks defender . . .
. . . while dancing with another?
Pass Blocking Technique looks good
IF I did still have hair,
I'd wear it just like Luca!
Going DEEP!
Probably not good that three of the Rebels Offensive Linemen are looking back at their QB throwing.
Luca was not one of them.
Too tall . . .
. . . just a bit outside
Well defended uncatchable pass
Balls were flying everywhere today
but mostly landing on the perfect sod
Short on Swiss Francs, I took a temporary
job today as the Lumberjacks
Scoreboard Operator
I hate to brag but I thought my placement of the Rebels 8 was perfect!
My Lumberjacks 6 was not as good though my heart just wasn't in it since they were playing against Luca's Rebels.
The score stayed 8-6 Rebels for most of the game, easy money for me on my new job.
The Rebels got to the edge easily
on this play
That ball attracts a lot of
Rebels defenders
DIII Swiss American football is good for
both the young and the mature player
Good for the fashion conscious too
Luca's stance from the front . . .
. . . and from behind
Luca has great position on
a Toss Sweep to his left
Hooked him here
Keep battling Luca!
Looking at a fierce Down block
in just a second here
Good Rebels Punt Block team pressure
Two Fourth Quarter TDs sealed the game for Luca and the rebels.
The final score was . . .
Great numbers placement for all four
digits if you ask me
With a happy Luca after the game
Laurie and I really enjoyed the game, the weather, the scenery and the Bratwurst.
It was a GREAT day to be a band wagon Rebels fan!
What a view of the Alps from our
seats at the game!
GRAZIE as always to the many people who posted game photos of Skorpion games on line!
Enzo Petrillo and Laurie
mugging for a selfie
QB Omar Passera with
Marco Fortunali blocking
RB Dylan Auriemma's TD run
Alessandro Brovelli being led by
Ema Della Bosca's incredible blocking
Defensive Line Coach
Pacio "Kitty" Cranchi
Yes, the Skorpions do have two Defensive Line Coaches, Pacio and Luca, and they are both doing great work.
Incredible referee speed going
stride for stride with QB Omar Passera
on his 60 yard TD run
CB Kristian Basso's Pick-Six
Dylan Auriemma's 56 yard Kickoff
Return to open the game
4th Quarter TD by Alessandro Brovelli
Blocking for Omar is
#53 "Capo" Di Stefano
Omar with OL Christian Munoz
WR Martino Piazzi is our best WR
and has become a great stalk blocker
Pensive with a paparazzi
at my shoulder
The Gangs All Here!
With Giorgio Nardi who I highly respect
for his generally calm demeanor, his incredible work attitude and dedication to the Skorpions
I hate to think what the Skorpions would be like without Giorgio and his lovely bride "Santa" Barbara working so hard behind the scenes daily.
As always . . .
It's GREAT to be a Skorpion!