Thursday, January 31, 2019

Playing It Smart for Once

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Every Sunday when I call my 94 year old Mother, she always warns me about being careful at my age (71) with being outside in the cold Italian winter weather.

Her biggest fear for me is that I catch, quite literally, my death of pneumonia.

Thus, when I got ready to go around the corner about 50 meters to the Bar Semaforo for my morning cappuccino and brioche I realized . . .

. . . that it had continued to snow
during the night and that it was
cold outside

I make it at two inches of fluffy
snow on our gate opening device

 Our trash cans were pristinely
white as well

Besides going to the Bar Semaforo
for nourishment, I also find out about
the goings on the national sports scene

While skimming the sports pages, I came to the correct health related decision.

I was not going out of the house for any extended period of time today because of the weather combined with the five-plus hours in the freezing cold at practice last night.

I also factored in that I would be exposed to another five-plus hours in Skorpion Field's sub-freezing microclimate on Thursday night.

" . . . don't catch your death of pneumonia."

 I joined Santa Barbara for a trip
to the Esselunga Supermercato at mid-day

Esselunga has a fine array hams and cheeses.

In the afternoon I did go out to
return and check out some videos
from the Varese Public Library

The library is located on the ground floor at the far end of this  city government complex.

 The garden behind the library

It is a gorgeous spot in the Spring

Little Miss Mary likes to ride
on the swings in the park near
our home in Camarillo

I wonder how she would like romping in the snow here in Varese today?

After checking out two videos, Unbroken and Hitchcock's The Man Who Knew Too Much, I ambled to my favorite downtown pasticceria where they seemed to have a theme going in their display window . . .

. . . Hearts . . .

. . . lots . . .

. . . and lots . . .

. . . of hearts!

The only possible conclusion was that the most romantic day of the year was nearing.

Yes, this coming Saturday is indeed Groundhog Day!

It is hard to be apart from Laurie on this most special of days for people in love.

It happened right here

I forgot to relay this most Italian of stories from the other day that happened at that very corner just down the street from this bus stop in downtown Varese while I awaited the C line bus for the ride back up the hill to the Villa Skorpiuon II.

A car stopped at the intersection from the right about a foot over the limit line.

A taxi driver, driving down the street towards said intersection, about four seconds after the offending car had stopped, came to an unnecessary screeching halt just before the intersection getting the attention of all of the pedestrians on the street.

The cab driver proceeded to fling his door open and barged out of his vehicle ranting and waving his arms about in full Italian body language style.

He approached the offending car stopped at the intersection and regaled the negligent driver who wisely kept his window closed and, hopefully, his door locked. Our taxi driver's rant, in essence, was simply "You stop BEHIND the line, NOT on it and DEFINITELY NOT past it!"

While his cab was still idling and blocking traffic, another taxi and a city bus had now queued up behind it waiting for its driver to finish his business. No honking, no yelling, it was obviously just another day at the office for Varese's public transit workers.

I LOVE this country!

In the evening, we celebrated
Raffa's 20th birthday!


The Nardi family (Giorgio, Santa Barbara, Federica and Raffa) once again opened their home and hospitality to me.

They thankfully continue to educate me in the subtleties of the Bella Lingua Italian at every occasion.


I went to bed tonight feeling quite healthy.

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