Friday, August 2, 2024

Pop Warner Football Practice Mania

Tues.-Thurs., July 30-Aug. 1, 2024
I experienced the absolute joy of watching three nights of Jacob's Camarillo Stingers Pop warner football practices this week.

Jacob and family had a good time
at the Ronald Reagan Library seeing
their Star Wars exhibit

Jacob, in the silver helmet, making
the turn on a conditioning drill

Jacob has been getting all sorts
of positive energy from his coaches

I love a coach like this one who
is constantly coaching his troops

Jacob at Middle Linebacker
during a 7-on-7 session

Jacob running to the ball

Again, pursuing the ball

Unfortunately, my various videos of his teams 7-0n-7 and team scrimmage periods would not load up to the blog.

Jacob has been working in at Wide Receiver on Offense and both Middle, Outside Linebacker, Safety and Cornerback on Defense.

I am proud of his constant effort this week, his techniques continue to improve nightly.

Life is good for our self proclaimed "Apprentice of All Trades."

It's been a good few days of
practice at Camarillo H.S.

UCLA's home schedule is
a good one in my opinion

Friends in Mexico were excited
for Thursday night's first NFL
pre-season game

As for me, not so much . . .

The Prague Lions (0-9) with another
good pre-game poster for their
Munich Ravens (5-3) contest

Stuttgart Surge (8-0) with a
confident poster for their
Milano Seamen (3-6) game

Same game from the Milano
point of view

On Wednesday, Laurie had a two hour dental procedure that required her to take some sedative drugs. Thus I was happily recruited to be her chauffeur.

While Laurie was seeing the dentist,
I was down the street at Café Ficelle

Their butter croissant in 2024
Paris Olympic French colors was
the obvious choice for me

By adding the cappuccino, my
breakfast needs were fully met

Laurie's procedure was a success, I was sated, so we both had a good morning as it turned out.

Reading Is FUNdamental!

A solid 1920s New York
crime noir yarn

My tenth Winspear mystery
novel featuring Maise Dobbs

I have found all ten to be fascinating as they have gradually progressed from the start of World War I to the brink of World War II in London.

This excellent series really needs to be read in chronological order to get its full effect.

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