Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Family Time by a Pool and Some Tide Pools

Mon. & Tues., June 17-18, 2024
These would turn out to be two good family water days for us to all enjoy.

It started on Monday at Michael and Vanessa's home with backyard fun and a trip to their community pool.

Mary just wanted to be pampered

So we obliged.

Winding down after a long day
in the pool and feasting on highly
nutritious but still scrumptious snacks

On Tuesday, we drove 35 minutes north to Carpinteria, home of "The World's Safest Beach."

We wanted to visit their tide pools to aid the learning curve of our family's budding Marine Biologist, Jacob.

We were warned about potential
man eating sand turtles

And then we saw this one.

Cousins digging a hole at the
beach means that all is good
in the universe

Michael found these exotic turban
snail shells strewn on the beach

If you look closely, you can make out
a dolphin just over the crest of the wave

We arrived at the beginning of
the Carpinteria tide pools

A lot of this is tar that has seeped onto
the beach and hardened over the centuries

Sons and grandsons all heading
to bigger tide pools


Science can be most invigorating

So is grandson Kevin's neon colored beach wear line of clothing.

Scenic Carpinteria

What is that red thing in the middle?

I was not about to go in there alone.


I liked the striped rock formation

Marine life was all around us

Now it was time for good,
old fashioned beach fun

The brothers heading into
the Pacific Ocean . . .

. . . were soon followed by the cousins
and an avenging sea gull it seems

The return home featured a a surprisingly lackluster lunch at one of our usually reliable Ventura dining spots, Marshal's Bodacious BBQ.

That what you get by not eating Mexican on a Taco Tuesday.

Once back home, we watched the NHL Finals Game #5, an Edmonton Oilers 5-3 win over the Florida Panthers (Florida leads in games, 3-2) and rooting the Los Angeles Dodgers on to a stunning 11-9 win over the Colorado Rockies thanks to a SEVEN run ninth inning outburst!

The games finally in the books, Laurie got word that they were launching a rocket at 8:40 p.m. from the Vandenburg Space Force Base in Lompoc about 90 miles north of us.

There it is!

Those little bright dots behind
the rocket are the shedding of its
two part nose cone

The launch left an interesting
contrail in its wake

About the only thing we didn't
see at the tide pools today

Summer family time is always a good thing.

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