Saturday, June 15, 2024

EuroBall Weekend Preview

Friday, June 15, 2024
A quiet day overall, so let's reflect on happenings overseas in the world of American football.

In France, the Besançon Bisons
won the Great East League title

They defeated the Wild East, a team composed of players from the Reims Wildcats and Wild Boars de Charleville-Mézières, in a close one, 31-22.

With their championship season now over, truth be told, I'll miss their excellent weekly pre-game posters.

The Italian Football League Semifinals
will be contested this weekend

Saturday, June 15, 2024
#4 Parma Panthers (6-3) at
#1 Varese Skorpions (8-0)

Sunday, June 16, 2024
#3 Ancona Dolphins (7-2) at
#2 Firenze Guelfi (6-2)

The Skorpions pre-game poster
was chockfull of information

The Parma pre-game poster
has more pizzaz in my opinion

The Italian DIII/9FL is playing their Conference Semifinal games this weekend as well.

On Saturday our first EuroBall
club, the Catania Elephants, will
take the field in one Semifinal

Saturday, June 14, 2024
Bologna Doves (5-2) at
Catania Elephants (6-0)
In another DIII/9FL Semifinal,
I have to root for former Catania
Elephant legend Lucky Camarda who
is a coach for the Roma squad

Sunday, June 16, 2024
Cagliari Crusaders (6-1) at
Roma Legionari (6-0) 

In Switzerland, the DI season is
winding down quickly

Saturday, June 15, 2024
Zurich Renegades (4-3) at
Thun Tigers (2-6)

Thun, where we coached in 2012, is still the most beautiful city we have ever lived in surrounded by the incredible Alps on all sides.

The topsy-turvy European League
of Football's latest Power Rankings

The expansion Madrid Bravos club sitting at #4 with a 2-0 record are both surprising to me.

I love the Prague Lions (0-3) weekly
pre-game posters, now if they can
just beat the Hamburg Sea Devils (1-1)

Only Hungary's Fehérvár Enthroners
are idle this week

There are four ELF games that should be of interest this weekend with their current ELF Power Ranking listed.

Saturday, June 15, 2024
#5 Rhein Fire (2-1) at
#2 Paris Musketeers (2-0)

#4 Madrid Bravos (2-0) at
#11 Cologne Centurions (1-1)

#9 Berlin Thunder (2-1) at
#3 Vienna Vikings (3-0)

Sunday, June 16, 2024
#7 Munich Ravens (2-1) at
#10 Tirol Raiders (2-1)

Meanwhile, in South America . . .

The Colombian National Team
is hosting two days of workouts
on Saturday and Sunday

If you are a fan of American football and are willing to travel, it seems as if you can find action somewhere in the world every week.

Life can be grand that way.

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