Thank you Laurie for working so hard on our backyard!

Rio Mesa H.S. Spring Practice Day 1
On Monday we held the first of our 12 three hour Spring practices and were greeted by 55 enthusiastic Varsity candidates. In the C.I.F. Southern Section, the rules do not allow us to issue any kind of pads until the start of our Fall practices in mid-August.
Our linemen are working hard on hitting sleds and then shields during team time. In the meantime, our "skill" position players hone their passing game skills and spend a large amount of practice time on 7-on-7 passing drills.
It was a good first week, but we have a long ways to go before we play San Marcos in September.
Oxnard hosted the 28th annual, two day Strawberry Festival this weekend.
As you probably know, this Saturday, May 21st was the predicted end of the world, i.e., "The Rapture."
The only Rapture that I had on my mind was eating a slice of the Rio Mesa H.S. Athletic Booster Club's world reknown Strawberry Pizza dessert. It is only sold for two days a year at this festival. I'd missed it the last three years because of my coaching duties in Europe, I was overdue.
Way overdue.

The Basics
Lots and lots of flats of strawberries to feed the assembled multitudes. Besides the thousands of flats that would be turned into every conceivable way to serve strawberries, you could still buy flats like these to take home!
Our first goal was to find the Rio Mesa booth that held the secrets to the universe, their fabled Strawberry Pizza.

What is that sign in the distance?

But First. . .
We stopped in at the Hueneme Rhinos Pop Warner team's booth to lay a foundation for the sweets that were to come.
More football teams need the nickname Rhinos, what better animal for any 11?

Rhino Coaches Grilling
But what are they making?

Carne Asada
This is the best ingredient in any Mexican dish! I had a carne asada burrito while Laurie opted for the full on carne asada plate.
They were as good as their rich aroma!!!

Two Strawberry Lemonades
These delicious libations helped to wash down the carne asada and started our strawberry overdosing.
We were now ready for the Big Deal of the Day.

This must be the place!
Laurie says that the recipe listed on-line is not accurate but what the heck, give it a try.

Step #1
Buy or make a nice, big, round, sweet pastry dough base in the shape of a large pizza.

Step #2
Next, slather on a glaze made up of a combination of butter, cream cheese and powdered sugar.
Then cut it into as big or small pizza style slices as you like.

Step #3
Slice up a ton of strawberries and slop them generously onto the individual pizza slices.

The R.M. Assembly Line at Full Tilt!

Step #4
Add a big dollop of whippede cream and one ripe strawberry and, violá, you have a slice of Strawberry Pizza!
For the diet conscious people reading this blog who are into low-carb eating, we can skip the pastry crust and go with a. . .

Strawberry Parfait
Laurie and I each had a slice and it was oh so good!!! No parfait for these two hardy eaters. After saying hello to the many Rio Mesa people working in the booth and fully sated, it was time to venture out to see what else the festival had to offer.

Popcorn? Really?


Deep Fried Snickers???
I had to really think this one through. I had eaten a delicious deep fried Twinkie years ago and loved it with a little strawberry jam added, hmm, I wonder?
First, if I bought one I would be supporting the Rio Mesa Music Program, definitely a worthy cause.
Secondly, I love Snickers bars.
Third, I love anything deep fried.

A Deep Fried Snickers
The powdered sugar, chocolate drizzle and strawberry slices were nice lean cuisine touches I must admit.

I wonder what they look like?

They look like this
A girl was raving about her first bite and implored me to buy some. Hey, they looked good but I was already in the middle of an out-of-body sugar rush experience and was somehow strong enough to say "NO!"
I can't believe I did that.

Strawberry Alcohol, What a Concept!

Live Music As Well
The Festival had something for everyone including the L.A. All Stars of Funk. They got many people up and dancing to be sure.

The Three Crowns of Sweden?
Laurie got in line to buy a Shock Top beer and the guy in front of her had on this great T-shirt with several country's including the one of our favorite Scandanavian nation.

Huge Turkey Legs
They even sold these huge turkey legs for people to gnaw on!
O.K. enough about the food, how about things for the kids?

Bounce to the Sky!!!

Strawberry Shortcake is in the house!

"Every woman's crazy 'bout a
sharp dressed man!"
The last part of our pleasant day at the festival was spent walking through the various crafts booths where we saw. . .

Ceramic Elephants,

Metal bugs to decorate the garden,

Artisans at work,

Cool dudes selling bronze works,

60's Tie Dye Clothing,

and Wooden Lion Fish
All in all, a fun day. If you are in the Ventura area next May, stop on by the 29th Annual California Strawberry Festival in Oxnard.
American football continued to make inroads in new lands this week as the first ever organized game was played on the African continent.
The Drake University football team, a non-scholarship program from Des Moines, Iowa traveled to. . .

. . . Arusha, Tanzania
Once there, they would take on a Mexican collegiate All-Star team from the CONADEIP Conference in the first ever Global Kilimanjaro Bowl.

Part of the crowd of 12,000 in attendance

I sure hope this spectator was neutral!

Neat Decal
The flags of Mexico, Tanzania and the USA

Drake Bulldog Swarm
From all accounts, the novice fans were treated to a spirited game won by Drake 17-7.
For more details on the game go to:
I wonder if the Tanzanians need a coach?
EuroBall Updates
2011 Division I Södra Standings
The top two teams at the end of the regular season will play in the 2011 SAFF Division I Playoffs with the top two teams from each of the other three Division I Conferences.
Kristianstad Predators (4-0)
Ystad Rockets (4-1)
Limhamm Griffins (2-1)
Lugi Vikings (1-2)
Hässleholm Hurricanes (0-3)
Ekeby Greys (0-4)
Week 6 Games
Saturday, May 28th
Limhamn (2-1) at Kristianstad (4-0)
Hässleholm (0-3) at Lugi (1-2)
BYES: Ekeby (0-4) and Ystad (4-1)
SAAF Division I Södra Notes: Ryan Bolland's Predators won a big game from Ystad 13-0 in a battle of Division I Södra's last two unbeaten clubs. In Sweden, where defense still wins championships, Ryan's team continues to shine, having given up a paltry 10 points in their four games.
Bottom line, the 0-3 Hässleholm Hurricanes desperately need a win this week against the 1-2 Lugi Vikings.

2011 Italian Football League Standings
The top four teams at the end of the regular season will play in the 2011 IFL Playoffs.
Bologna Warriors 7-0
Ancona Dolphins 5-2
Parma Panthers 5-2
Catania Elephants 4-3
Milan Rhinos 4-3
Bolzano Giants 3-4
Milan Seamen 3-4
Reggio Emilia Hogs 3-4
Lazio Marines 1-6
Bologna Doves 0-7
Week 9 Results
Bologna Warriors 42 - Catania 35
Milan Rhinos 40 - Bolzano 28
Reggio Emilia 55 - Bologna Doves 6
Ancona 64 - Milan Seamen 42
Parma 35 - Lazio 21
Week 10 Games
Saturday, May 28th
Milan Seamen (3-4) at Catania (4-3)
Bologna Doves (0-7) at Lazio (1-6)
Bologna Warriors (7-0) at Ancona (5-2)
Sunday, May 29th
Reggio Emilia (3-4) at Bolzano (3-4)
Milan Rhinos (4-3) at Parma (5-2)
IFL Notes: The 4-3 Catania Elephants continued to dig themselves into a non-playoff hole with their 42-35 loss to the undefeated Bologna Warriors. It looks to me like a team will have to win six games to make the four team playoffs and also hold any possible tiebreaker if it comes to that.
The Elephants then must win their last two games, both at home, against the 3-4 Milan Seamen and 3-4 Bolzano Giants to finish at 6-3. If they do this, they would finish at 6-3 and in a possible tie with Ancona, Parma and/or the Milan Rhinos. As for a possible tiebreaker, the Elephants lost to both Ancona and the Rhinos while they defeated Parma in the season opener.
The 5-2 Ancona team finishes with the 7-0 Bolzano Warriors and the 3-4 Reggio Emilia Hogs.
The last two games for the 4-3 Milan Rhinos are against the 5-2 Parma Panthers and the 0-7 Bologna Warriors.
Finally, 5-2 Parma still needs to take on the two Milan teams, the 4-3 Rhinos and the 3-4 Seamen.
The road to the playoffs looks tough for our favorite Italian squad but it is still very possible if they. . . "JUST WIN BABY!"