Saturday, March 22, 2025
It was a wet morning in Gijón but I still had a few errands to run before our team bus set off for Zaragoza at 1:00 p.m.
Principally, I was on a mercy mission, braving the drizzle to buy Laurie some of her much needed hand warming packets at the local Decathlon Sporting Goods store. The temperature predictions for our game in Zaragoza on Sunday called for cold, blustery weather.
Mission accomplished.
Our chariot awaited
There is a reason that the north
coast of Spain is known as . . .
. . . La Costa Verde
The views out the bus windows were spectacular with the rugged coastline to our left and these lush green mountains and valleys to our right.
The drive to Zaragoza, the seat of the ancient kingdom of Aragon, would take seven hours. Six of them driving and about an hour for a rest/food/game stop at approximately the halfway point.
The mood on the bus was an upbeat, good one.
At our rest stop, a game of
Ninja Tag broke out
First, form a circle, then on the "GO" call everyone takes one step/leap in any direction and freezes.
One participant is picked to start the tagging process and they then take turns, one at a time around the circle. The target is any other player's hand within reach. Whether you make the tag or not, the player trying to tag and the one being tagged both freeze again after their move to strike and/or avoid being tagged. A player is still in the game until both of his hands have been tagged.
Team Bonding never ends,
let us begin
closer to another frozen player's hand
All seemed to enjoy playing and watching these ten minutes of good hearted fun playing two rounds of this game.
DB/Ninja Master Iván Ávila both won games.
We continued the long drive to Zaragoza with full stomachs and smiling faces.
The Eurostars Hotel where we
would spend the night was in the
huge Zaragoza Transportation Center
Here you can see the train portion of the station. Our room was above the bus station.
We were extremely happy that we were unable to hear any noise from either buses or trains from our hotel room.
After checking into our rooms, we were all given about two hours to ourselves before our 10:00 p.m. Special Teams meeting. The 8:30 p.m. team meeting had been cancelled.
That was a change to our itinerary that just begged us to explore.
Laurie and I opted to grab a taxi and head downtown to see Zaragoza's top cultural site, the Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, a.k.a., El Pilar.
This fountain at the edge of
El Pilar's large plaza changes colors
I liked the red look
Our first glimpse of El Pilar
The 16th and 17th century basilica
has a Byzantine feel to it in its
domes and towers
Nuestra Señora herself
in this large, white sculpture
We tried to go inside to see the famed frescoes by Goya but were denied entry as it was now but five minutes before closing time.
We both loved this little girl reciting
a Spanish version of "This Little Piggy"
Could have used a gargoyle in my opinion
Ornate look all around
The tile work was exceptional
This café/bar sitting right across
from El Pilar on the busy plaza . . .
. . . just begged for an aperitif
A shopping street that empties
into El Pilar's plaza
Great lighting on . . .
. . . both of these buildings
We started to head back to El Pilar's
plaza as we still had that Special
Teams meeting to conduct
Welcome to Zaragoza INDEED!
Just another random church
at one end of El Pilar's plaza
This bridge spans Spain's
famed Rio Ebro
We caught a taxi ride back to the hotel in plenty of time for the Special Teams meeting.
We were to meet as a team in the lobby at 10:00 p.m. When I arrived at 9:55 p.m., it was just me and the three American imports. The meeting finally started at 10:20 p.m. as several players reported that the restaurants they were in had still not delivered their dinners.
The Spanish rarely, if ever, arrive to any event on time.
That being said, the Mariners were focused on the task at hand at this meeting. It made for a good feeling as we headed back to our rooms for a good night's rest before our 11:00 a.m. Kickoff on Sunday.
A good road trip so far.
There was one Spanish Serie A game today.
Las Rozas (8-0) ended their
regular season in dominating fashion
by throttling Coslada (3-4) to clinch
the #1 seed in the upcoming playoffs
and the Western Conference title
News from the net . . .
I truly was an addict but I kicked
this filfthy habit in the Fourth Grade
I'll take the Fifth Amendment
on this one
Truer words were never written