Monday, March 3, 2025

A Mariners Flag Football Sunday

Sunday, March 2, 2025
While our Mariners Senior Tackle Team was recuperating during the first of two back-to-back bye weekends, it did not mean that the Gijón club was completely at rest.

There were three flag football games to be played today at our home field, Stadio Las Mestas.


Our Senior team is composed of both men and women who are mature with lots of football experience at either the flag or tackle versions of the game if not both.

The Oviedo Phoenix Old Rookies are a bit different in the makeup of their roster. This team is made up of older men, most in their 40s I would venture to guess, with little to no football experience of any kind. I have been told by reliable sources that they all started playing because their children were involved playing the game for the Oviedo club and thought that they should give it a go.

More power to them all in my humble opinion.

I took the #1 bus to the field and
got off at the Justo del Castillo stop

But, who was Justo del Castillo y Quintana?


He was an engineer, archeologist, Director of both the Jovellanos Institute's School of Commerce and its School of Arts and Trades. He was also a big promotor of bathing at Gijón's Playa de San Lorenzo.

On to the game . . .

Oviedo Phoenix Old Rookies in black,
Gijón Mariners Seniors in white

Due to the entry bridge from the bus stop over a pleasant stream to the field still being closed due to repairs, I had about a 15 minute walk to get to the field that was only 75 meters away.

By the time I got to the field the score was 6-6 though the scoreboard still read 0-0.

Team President Kike Prado Alonso, who is the Senior team's designated pass rusher, asked me to please run the scoreboard today.

How could I refuse.
It was complex console
but I eventually figured it out

Of course, the fact that I did not have to operate a game clock helped immensely.

In the vast majority of EuroBall games, time is mysteriously kept on the field by the referees as in soccer.

WR Calde getting open in the back
left corner of the end zone

The Old Rookies Offense is
still a work in progress

Kike blitzing

He knocked down this pass using his height and arm length to his best advantage.

LB Bea pulling a flag

Throwing to the shallow crosser

The mighty Senior Defense

They play with five on a side using the same rules that will be in play during the Los Angeles Olympic Games for Flag Football in 2028.

Unrelenting Pursuit led to a
Halftime lead of 32-6 for Gijón

A rare running play for Oviedo

Backup QB Mireilla was in
slinging the ball in the Second Half

Gijón Mariners Seniors - 53
Oviedo Phoenix Old Rookies - 6


In this contest, our Gijón Mariners Junior team would be facing the Oviedo Phoenix squad.

Our Junior team is composed of young men under the age of 20.

The Oviedo roster is made up of the best Phoenix adult players who just happen to be mostly composed of experienced, well skilled women.

All four of the teams playing today compete, out of necessity, in the same league due to lack of teams in Northern Spain.

Juniors in black, Phoenix in white

An early Mariners TD catch

At the Halftime intermission, the score was Oviedo 25 - Mariners 13.

Lots of action in the Second Half
but not much scoring

Final Score
Oviedo Phoenix - 32
Gijón Mariners Juniors - 13


Our final game of the day was a guaranteed win for the Mariners but also a guaranteed loss as our Senior and Junior team's were squaring off.

Seniors in white, Juniors in black

The underdog Juniors played
excellent Defense to start the game

This catch became a Juniors TD

GREAT Juniors pass rush pressure

At the half, the Juniors surprisingly led 13-7.

Heck of a catch as the Seniors got
serious in the Second Half

Gijón Mariners Seniors - 21
Gijón Mariners Juniors - 13

I opted for a long, slow walk back to the apartment.

That gentle stream that separates
our bus stop from the stadium

Mary might like this Ballet and Art School

This basket of flowers was a
nice touch at this small park

Plants growing through the roof
tiles is probably not a good thing

Beware of the Dog

I had been walking for about half an hour and was getting parched.


A random Viking bar with a rugby theme looked like a perfect watering hole to me.

The clincher was the following neon sign in their window.


I had never tried mead before, so why not enter Valhalla and try some today?

Hidromiel is a combination of fermented water and honey which must be good for the soul, right?

The fact that they served it in
a hollowed out horn made it
even healthier

Purple in color, delicious in taste

This sign in the La Fragua's
Men's restroom was most illuminating

The walked continued

Cool old shop in need of new ownership


The Tin Man and the Scarecrow
getting into the Antroxu Spirit


Hot Chocolate and Churros,
the Late Afternoon Snack of Champions

This is my go to spot for these two delicacies.

I think that when she arrives in Gijón, Laurie will be happy with the research that went into  arriving at this conclusion.

Carnival Masks on display

Sidewalk menu at a small bar

It was an enjoyable day for flag football and a good walk.

In the evening I was supposed to join our prize lineman Taye Courtney for the big music festival in the Teatro Jovellanos at 7:00 p.m.

I got a message earlier in the day from Taye saying that last night he had gotten into a high stakes game of Baccarat at the local casino.

During the game, Taye was informed that one of the players, a Russian oligarch as it turns out, had recently kidnapped a young lass from Gijón.

Outraged, Taye asked what it would take to free the young lady.

The response was, "What have you got to offer?"

Quickly, Taye countered with the two hard to get tickets to the music festival.


And that's why we didn't attend the music festival tonight.


Or maybe Taye somehow just lost the tickets after getting them on Friday night.

Finally, let's get back to the news from the weekend's Spanish Serie A games.

In Sunday's Eastern Conference game,
Badalona (5-1) avenged their only loss
of the season by beating Mallorca (1-4)

Now for a recap of all of the Serie A Week 7 action.

LNFA Serie A
Western Conference Week 7 Results
Las Rozas (6-035 - Zaragoza (0-56
Rivas (4-2) 10 - Coslada (3-3) 7
BYE: Gijón (1-4)

Western Conference Standings
1. Las Rozas Black Demons 6-0
2. Osos Rivas 4-2
3. Coslada Camioneros 3-3
4. Gijón Mariners 1-4
5. Zaragoza Hurricanes 0-5

Western Conference Week 8 Schedule
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Las Rozas (6-0) at Gijón (1-4) 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Rivas (4-2) at Zaragoza (0-5) 11:00 a.m.
BYE: Coslada (3-3)

LNFA Serie A
Eastern Conference Week 7 Results
Terrassa (4-1-127 - L'Hospitalet (2-4) 9
Badalona (5-1) 41 - Mallorca (1-427
BYE: Barcelona (1-3-1)

Eastern Conference Standings
1. Badalona Dracs 5-1
2. Terrassa Reds 4-1-1
3. L'Hospitalet 2-4
4. Barcelona Pagesos 1-3-1
5. Mallorca Voltors 1-4

Eastern Conference Week 8 Schedule
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Barcelona (1-3-1) at Badalona (5-1) 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
L'Hospitalet (2-4) at Mallorca (1-4) Noon
BYE: Terrassa (4-1-1)

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