Sunday, June 14, 2015

Life Back in America

Saturday-Sunday, June 13-14, 2015:

After a week of readjusting ourselves to life in America, we are now pretty much back to normal here in California.

We had a good weekend highlighted by . . . 

. . . a Saturday visit by Jacob
and his growing family

I wonder where he got that sharp looking t-shirt with the charging bull?

Vanessa and her lifelong and also
pregnant friend Angie visited as well

The two of them are due about a week apart at the end of July, Angie with a boy and Vanessa with our first granddaughter.

They were at our house so that Michael could take pictures of the two of them in their shared, motherly state.

Here are my favorite photos from Mike's efforts.

We're getting a Princess!

It could happen, I guess

 Patent leather, a must!

Angie and Vanessa

On Sunday, I went for a
3+ mile walk in Ventura

I like to
Walk on the Wild Side!

The venerable Ventura Theater

Joey Badass is playing tonight!!!

So I bought a large cup

Garden at Mission San Buenaventura

The Mission's nice fountain

The Mision's Shrine to Mary

Imagine that . . .

Ancient railroad bridge near the beach

Not much surf today

Brave souls on a "June Gloom" day

Ventura Beach Art
More Ventura Beach Art

Ode to Longboard Surfers

Jesse Owens raced a horse near here once

Ballroom remembrance

Baseball, dancing, horse racing . . .

Ventura has had it all over the years.

Cool restaurant secondary fence

Ventura likes fountains

The Mission in the background

Fun mural

A good weekend indeed!

A big week this week as we start our Summer football workouts at Newbury Park H.S. on Tuesday.

We also will greet young Alberto Talavera from Murcia, Spain at LAX on Tuesday evening.

Alberto can eat!!!

"Tala," as he is known, was an excellent WR with our Cobra Junior team this past season. He will be spending the Summer with us trying to improve both his English language and American football skills.

This should be a fun Summer!

1 comment:

David said...

The bridge may be ancient, but the tracks are still active, so please cross with care.